Workshop "New Forms of Collaborative Production and Innovation"
Location: Lichtenberg-Kolleg, Historische Sternwarte, Geismar Landstraße 11, 37083 Göttingen
Public talks:
> Wednesday, 5. May, 2010 15:00 - 17:30
Distributed Perspectives on Innovation: Open Innovation, User Innovation and Beyond
Joel West - Professor for Innovation & Entrepreneurship und Mitherausgeber des Buches "Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm"
Co-creating value with companies: State of the art, research perspectives and managerial implications
Frank Piller - Professor für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement an der RWTH Aachen und Ko-Autor von "Interaktive Wertschöpfung" und "Mass Customization"
Workshop program (preliminary):
> Thursday, 6. May, 2010 9:00 - 12:30
Open Innovation, collaborative production and value creation -
Governance structures and business models
Moderation: Prof. Kilian Bizer
Dr. Christina Raasch (TU Hamburg-Harburg)
"How open is open source"
Prof. Frank Piller, Alexander Vossen (TU Aachen)
"Motivations of organizational participation behavior in idea contests"
Rüdiger Glott (Merit, Maastricht University)
"Open Source Business Modelle"
Claudia Keser, Felix Kamisky (Universität Göttingen)
"Coordination mechanisms and incentives for Open Source Development: A first experimental investigation"
> Thursday, 6. May, 2010 13:30 – 18:00
Legal and political framework for collaborative production
Moderation: Prof. Gerald Spindler
Prof. Niva Elkin-Koren (University Haifa)
"Social production and copyright"
Dr. Lucie Guilbault ( Univercity of Amsterdam)
"Social Production and licensing issues"
Prof. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger (National University of Singapore)
"Peer production and Authorship"
Prof. Joachim Henkel/ Manuel Sojer (TU Muenchen)
"License Risks from Ad-Hoc Reuse of Code from the Internet"
> Friday, 7. May, 2010 9:00 – 12:30
Mass collaboration of users and consumers,
individual behavior, OSS-development and economic policy
Moderation: Prof. Volker Wittke
Dr. Frank Kleemann (TU Chemnitz)
"The role of consumer feedback in Web 2.0 companies"
Prof. Birgit Blättel-Mink (Universität Frankfurt am Main)
"The two sides of "new mode" prosuming: corporate codination and individual motivation"
Prof. Dr. Joachim Henkel (TU Muenchen)
"The role of open source developers in commercial firms"
Rüdiger Glott (Merit, Maastricht University)
"Making Wikipedia - Results of the First Global Wikipedia Survey"
> Friday, 7. May, 2010 13:30 – 16:00
Project management, quality assurance and reputation systems
Moderation: Prof. Dieter Hogrefe
Prof. Audun Jøsang (University Oslo)
"Trust Management in Online Communities"
Dr. Christian Damsgaard Jensen (Technical University of Denmark)
"Building a reputation system for the Wikipedia"
Participation is limited and registration is required. If you like to participate please contact: Heidemarie Hanekop, Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut,, Tel: 0551-52205-47 or -0