Dr. Laruffa, Francesco

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
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Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Göttingen (SOFI)
an der Georg-August-Universität
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37085 Göttingen
Tel. +49 (0) 551-52205-0
Fax +49 (0) 551-52205-88
Soziologisches Forschungsinstitut Göttingen (SOFI)
an der Georg-August-Universität
Friedländer Weg 31
37085 Göttingen
- (Neoliberaler) Kapitalismus
- Sozialpolitik und Wohlfahrtstaatsreform
- Demokratie- und Gerechtigkeitstheorien
- Sozial-ökologische Transformation
- Ungleichheiten
- Zukunft der Arbeit
- Sozioökonomie
- Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Wissenschaft und öffentlicher Soziologie
- Seit 2024: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Soziologischen Forschungsinstitut Göttingen (SOFI)
- 2021-2023: Stipendium der Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (Post-Doc.Mobility) mit Forschungsaufenthalten an der Universität Bremen, der Universität Oxford, der Universität Kassel und der London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- 2016-2021: Promotion in Sozialwissenschaften und Post-Doc an der Universität Genf
- 2013-2016: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
- 2012-2013: Master in Public Policy and Social Change am Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin.
- 2006-2013: Studium der Volkwirtschaftslehre, Politikwissenschaft und Soziologie in Turin, Tübingen, Paris und Berlin
- Sommersemester 2023: Seminar „Understanding Contemporary Neoliberalism: History, Multiple Crisis, Alternatives“ (mit Dieter Plehwe) an der Universität-Kassel
Laufende SOFI-Projekte
- 2023
- Laruffa, Francesco (2023): Laruffa, Francesco. 2023. “Making Sense of (Post)neoliberalism” Politics and Society (online first).
- Laruffa, Francesco; Martinelli, Aris (2023): Neoliberal globalization, hegemonic crisis, and the struggle for a countermovement. The case of the ‘Responsible Business Initiative’ in Switzerland. In: Globalizations, 20:4, 595-610.
- Bonvin, Jean-Michel; Laruffa, Francesco (2023): Public Sociology and the Capability Approach: Exploring the Potential of a Fruitful Combination. In Research Handbook on Public Sociology (pp. 42-57), edited by Lavinia Bifulco and Vando Borghi, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Laruffa, Francesco; Hearne, Rory (2023): Towards a post-neoliberal social policy: capabilities, human rights and social empowerment. Critical Policy Studies (online first).
- 2022
- Bonvin, Jean-Michel; Laruffa, Francesco (2022): Bonvin, Jean-Michel and Francesco Laruffa. 2022. Towards a Capability-oriented Eco-Social Policy: Elements of a Normative Framework. In: Social Policy and Society 21(3): 484-495. (Part of the “Beveridge Report Collections”, Special Issue “Towards a Sustainable Welfare State?”)
- Laruffa, Francesco; McGann, Michael; Murphy, Mary (2022): Enabling Participation Income for an Eco-Social State. In: Social Policy and Society 21(3): 508-519. (Part of the “Beveridge Report Collections”, Special Issue “Towards a Sustainable Welfare State?”)
- Canhiac, Hugo; Laruffa, Francesco (2022): From an Ordoliberal idea to a Social-Democratic ideal? The European Parliament and the institutionalization of ‘social market economy’ in the European Union (1957-2007). In: JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 60: 867– 884.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2022): Laruffa, Francesco. 2022. The Dilemma of Sustainable Welfare and the Problem of the Future in Capacitating Social Policy In: Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy 18(1): 822-836.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2022): Neoliberalism, Economization and the Paradox of the New Welfare State. In: European Journal of Sociology 63(1): 131-163.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2022): Re-Thinking Work and Welfare for the Social-Ecological Transformation. In: Sociologica: International Journal for Sociological Debate 16 (1):123-51.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2022): Studying the relationship between social policy promotion and neoliberalism: the case of social investment. In: New Political Economy 27(3): 473-489.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2022): Towards a post-neoliberal social citizenship? In: Constellations. An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory, 29, 375– 392.
- 2021
- Bonvin, Jean-Michel; Laruffa, Francesco (2021): Bonvin, Jean-Michel and Francesco Laruffa. 2021. Disputing the economization and the de-politicization of ‘social’ investment in global social policy. In: The Struggle for Social Sustainability (pp. 73-88), edited by Christopher Deeming, Bristol: Policy Press.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2021): Promoting social goals through economization? Social investment and the counterintuitive case of homelessness. In: Policy & Politics 49(3): 413-431.
- 2020
- Laruffa, Francesco; Leßmann, Ortrud (2020): Nicht nur Humankapital aufbauen: Sozialinvestitionen weitergedacht. In: WSI-Mitteilungen 73 (2): 93-99.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2020): What is a Capability-Enhancing Social Policy? Individual Autonomy, Democratic Citizenship and the Insufficiency of the Employment-Focused Paradigm” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities 21(1): 1-16.
- 2019
- Bonvin, Jean-Michel; Laruffa, Francesco (2019): Education as Investment? A comparison of the capability and social investment approaches to education policy. In: Social policy and the capability approach. Concepts, measurement and application, 19-39, edited by Mara Yerkes, Jana Javornik, and Anna Kurowska. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2019): Social welfare discourses and scholars’ ethical-political dilemmas in the crisis of neoliberalism. Ethics and Social Welfare 13(4): 323-339.
- 2018
- Bonvin, Jean-Michel; Laruffa, Francesco (2018): Deliberative democracy in the real world. The contribution of the capability approach. International Review of Sociology 28(2): 216-233.
- Bonvin, Jean-Michel; Laruffa, Francesco (2018): Human Beings as Receivers, Doers and Judges. The Anthropological Foundations of Sustainable Public Action in the Capability Approach. Community, Work and Family 21(5): 502-518.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2018): Social investment: Diffusing ideas for redesigning citizenship after neo-liberalism?. Critical Social Policy 38(4): 688–706.
- Canhiac, Hugo; Laruffa, Francesco (2018): Soziale Marktwirtschaft und Europäisches Sozialmodell: Über den Wandel diskursiver Leitbilder eines « Sozialen Europa ». In: Eine soziales Europa als Herausforderung. L’Europe sociale en question, 87–116, edited by Karim Fertikh, Heike Wieters, and Bénédicte Zimmermann. Frankfurt/New York: Campus.
- Bonvin, Jean-Michel; Laruffa, Francesco; Rosenstein, Emilie (2018): Towards a Critical Sociology of Democracy: The Potential of the Capability Approach. Critical Sociology 44 (6): 953–968.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2018): Towards a Post-Neoliberal Social Policy? Social Investment versus Capability Approach. In: Momentum Quarterly – Journal for Societal Progress 7(4): 171-187.
- 2016
- Laruffa, Francesco (2016): The capability approach as a critical yardstick for the employability paradigm. In: Sociologia del Lavoro 141: 23–37.
- Laruffa, Francesco; Schilling, Hannah (2016): Work and Inequality Revisited: A Global Socio-Historical Perspective and its Political Implications. In: Sociologia del Lavoro 144: 85-100.
- 2015
- Laruffa, Francesco (2015): Social Investment: Towards a more Social Europe? In: Social Europe: A Dead End, 215-236, edited by Aranud Lechevalier and Jan Wielgohs. Copenhagen: Djøf Publications.
Publizistische Beiträge
- 2023
- Laruffa, Francesco (2023): Eco-social policy – we need to question the premise. UNESCO Inclusive Policy Lab.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2023): Neofaschismus in Italien? Neoliberalismus, hegemoniale Krise und progressive Alternativen. Denknetz.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2023): The Pragmatic Case for Utopia. Green Economy Coalition.
- 2021
- Laruffa, Francesco (2021): Investing in social justice? Transforming Society.
- Laruffa, Francesco (2021): On the Capability to Take Care of the World” Global Dialogue 11(2): 47-48
- “Promoting inclusive competitiveness? A long-term perspective on neoliberalism and Social Europe” at the Espanet-Italia Conference, Milan, 13-15 September 2023.
- “How transformative is just transition?” presented at the workshop “Post-Growth Bureaucracy” held at the Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen 29-30 August 2023.
- “Developing the Global North? The Capability Approach and the Social-Ecological Transformation” at the informal workshop “Capabilities, strawberries and cream” London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 27 June 2023.
- “The costs of what? Should we still use the concept of capitalism? And, if yes, can capitalism internalize its costs?” at the conference of the Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN), Naples, 8-10 June 2023.
- “Social Europe and Neoliberalism: A Long-Term Perspective” at the conference “Social Europe and the Making of Economic and Monetary Union” European University Institute, Florence, 25-26 May 2023.
- “Investing in social inclusion? Paradoxes and dilemmas of social investment” CASE Social Exclusion Seminar, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, 10 May 2023.
- “Neoliberalism, eco-social justice and the economization paradox” Justice Thinking Space, Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam, 24 January 2023.
- “Towards Inclusive Green Growth and Just Transition? A Critique of an Emerging Global Policy Paradigm” Internationalised Politics Colloquium, University of Bremen, 30 November 2022.
- “Neoliberal Capitalism: Paradoxes, Dilemmas, Alternatives” at the conference of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE), 7-9 September 2022, Bologna.
- “Neoliberal capitalism in crisis: paradoxes and dilemmas of progressive politics” at the conference of the Critical Political Economy Research Network (CPERN), 22–23 July 2022, Limerick.
- “The neoliberal paradox and social-ecological alternatives” at the conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), 9-11 July 2022, Amsterdam.
- “Beyond inclusion: emancipatory economics in the socio-ecological crisis of capitalism” at the conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics (AHE), 6-8 July 2022, London.
- “Refocusing Social Policy on the Capability to Take Care of the World” at the conference “Co-building a New Eco-Social World: Leaving No One Behind”, 29 June – 2 July 2022 (online).
- “The Role of Welfare States in the Ecological Transition” at the Tuesday Talk Series of the Institute of Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam, 22 March 2022 (online).
- “On the concept of neoliberalism” at the Political Economy Workshop of the University of Bremen, 15 February 2022 (online).
- “La solidarité comme objet d’investissement ?” at the seminar of the Axe Politiques, Actions Sociales et Solidarités (PASS) of the Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Economique (LISE), 9 December 2021, Paris.
- “Towards a post-neoliberal social citizenship?” at the Kolloquium für Politische Theorie, University of Bremen, 30 November 2021, Bremen.
- “Rethinking Welfare Infrastructures for the Social-Ecological Transformation: From Employment to the Capability to Take Care of the World?” at the conference “Ruptures, Transformations, Continuities. Rethinking Infrastructures and Ecology” of the DFG Centre for Advanced Studies “Futures of Sustainability”, University of Hamburg, 24-26 November 2021 (online).
- “The dilemma of sustainable welfare and the problem of the future in social policy theorizing” at the Herbstkolloquium of the Sustainability Research Group of the University of Basel 11 November 2021, Basel.
- “The paradox of neoliberal social policy” at the annual conference of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE) “The Pandemic and the Future of Capitalism: On the Political Economy of our Societies and Economies”, 12-19 September, 2021 (online).
- “Rethinking Sustainable Work for the Socio-Ecological Transformation” at the Summer academy “Sustainable Work”, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 26-29 May 2021 (online)
- “Towards a post-neoliberal social citizenship?” at the Geneva Colloquium in Political Theory and at Les mercredis de la citoyenneté, University of Geneva, 24 March 2021, Geneva.
- “Towards an eco-social paradigm of welfare: reconfiguring social policy to enable flourishing, participation and just transition” at the YHYS Fall Colloquium “Measuring and valuing sustainability”, LUT University, 19–20 November 2020 (online) (with M. McGann and M.P. Murphy).
- “Re-Thinking Solidarity, Work and Welfare for the 21st Century” at the conference “Solidarity at Work” Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 13-15 November 2019, Berlin.
- “Social investment: re-thinking the ‘social’ beyond neoliberalism?” at Les déjeuners sociologiques, University of Geneva, 24 October 2019, Geneva.
- “Re-Imagining Social Citizenship after Neoliberalism” at the conference “Rethinking Capitalism: from Globalization to Humanization” Fondazione Feltrinelli, 15-16 March 2019, Milan.
- “Beyond Social Investment: The Contribution of the Capability Approach to Welfare Reform” at the conference Espanet-Italia, 13-15 September 2018, Florence (with Bonvin, J.-M.).
- “The Future of Social Security beyond Social Investment: The Contribution of the Capability Approach” at the conference “Social Security at the Crossroads? Learning from the Past, Imagining the Future”, Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS), 4-6 June 2018, Sigtuna, Sweden (with Bonvin, J.-M.).
- “Towards a normative framework for welfare reform in Europe: a capability and human rights perspective”, Espanet European Conference, 14-16 September 2017, Lisbon (with Bonvin, J.-M.).
- “Was ist ‘sozial’ am Sozialinvestitionsparadigma?” at the conference “In Menschen investieren – nur wie? Zur Perspektive der Sozialinvestitionen”, Internationales Forschungszentrum für soziale und ethische Fragen (IFZ), 16-17 February 2017, Salzburg.
- “Les maigres perspectives de l’investissement social” at the conference “Quel avenir pour l'Europe sociale dans le contexte du retour des nations ?”, Revue Française des Affaires Sociales, 24 November 2016, Paris.
- “The Contribution of the Capability Approach to a Theory of Sustainable Welfare Society” ISA Forum of Sociology, 10-14 July, 2016, Vienna.
- “Decent Work: A Challenge for a Global Sociology of Labor”, ISA Forum of Sociology, 10-14 July, 2016, Vienna. (with Schilling, H.).
- “Der Sozialinvestitionsansatz auf europäischer Ebene aus der Sicht des Capability Ansatzes” at the conference “Soziale Investitionen kritisch betrachtet” Internationales Forschungszentrum für soziale und ethische Fragen (IFZ), 20-27 November, 2015, Salzburg.
- “Les représentations de l’Europe sociale” at the conference “Les usages de la sociologie des politiques sociales”, Association Française de Sociologie, 2-3 October 2014, Dijion (with Colletis, G., Lechevalier, A., and Salles, M.).
- “The Capability Approach as a Normative Framework for Welfare Reform in Europe” at the conference “Problems and Perspectives of European Integration: Economics, Politics, and Solidarity in Hard Times”, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut, 22-26 September, 2014, Berlin.
- “The Capability Approach as a Normative Framework for the Assessment of Welfare Reform in Europe. The Case of Social Investment” at the Espanet-Italia conference, 18-20 September, 2014, Turin.
- “Social Policies contrasting Young People’s Vulnerability in Southern Europe. A Capability Approach Perspective” Human Development and Capability Association Conference, 2-5 September, 2014, Athens.
- “Can the Capability Approach Help to Think at Welfare Reform?” presented at the Symposium “New B/Orders of Social Europe in the Course of the Euro Crisis – Property, the Welfare State and Distributive Justice”, 25 May - 4 June 2014, Procida, Italy.